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Tradução da Petrowiki para o Português

Esperamos poder contar com o apoio de de nossos socios no Brasil para contrubuir com a tradução do conteudo do Petrowiki para o Portugues.

Tradução da Petrowiki para o Português

Segue abaixo mensagem recebida da Sra. Jenny Terrell (SPE Internacional):

I have been working on translating the PetroWiki glossary into 8 different languages. One of those is Portuguese. We have opened a volunteer opportunity on here. We are looking for people that can volunteer a few hours a week to complete a letter of the Portuguese alphabet. It would help us out a ton! Let me know if you think any sections would have interest.

Segue abaixo descrição e requerimentos do projeto:

SPE is looking for members who are proficient in another language to help translate glossary terms, articles, and papers from English into other languages. Translators will be working in the Google Translate Toolkit.
While some tasks such as translating full technical papers may involve a longer time commitment, other tasks such as translating glossary terms or a brief abstract may take less than 30 minutes. More time-consuming tasks can also be shared between translators.

  • Requirements & Commitment
  • SPE Membership
  • Speak, types and understands English fluently
  • Can translate from English to the other language(s) with proficiency.
  • Google account* (to access online translation tool by Google)


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